The Best Grandfather Clock
On this website you will find information on the most prestigious
grandfather clock manufacturers, and the different makes that they carry. You will also
find information on where you can buy the clocks, as well as some ways you can save money.
For example by using an easy to work with, detailed plan.
One of the most recognizable names in the production of grandfather clocks is Howard Miller. Howard Miller learned the art of making clocks from his father in the Black Forest of Germany.
In 1926 he started his own company, and it has since grown to be the largest manufacturer of floor clocks in the world.
This was accomplished by maintaining the highest standard in manufacturing. Each clock must be a masterwork of craftsmanship in order to carry the Howard Miller name. With the clocks such as the traditional J.H Miller Clock , the curvaceous Howard Miller Coco Clock , and the exquisite Howard Miller Veronica Clock , this tradition continues to this day.
Over the years, Howard Miller has acquired other clock manufacturers. Foremost among these is the
Kieninger Clock Company
. Founded in 1912 by Joseph Kieninger, it is the oldest manufacturer of floor clocks to still be in business today. Kieninger clocks have a
traditional look to them, while at the same time incorporating the modern advances in technology.
Another division of Howard Miller is the
Ridgeway Clock Company
. The Ridgeway Clock company started life as the Gravely Furniture Company in 1926. In 1960, the name was changed to Ridgeway Clocks, as the company shifted
focus exclusively to floor clocks. Howard Miller acquired the company in 2004. The makes of Ridgeway are versatile. They range from the more traditional to
the very innovative.
The Black Forest of Germany has produced many great tallcase clock makers, and one of the most prestigious is
Hermle Black Forest Clocks
. founded in 1922, they have been in business for over 80 years. During this time they have been family owned and operated, which is not an easy task in
todays competitive marketplace. While most of the clocks they produce are traditional in appearance, an exception is model number 01158-002200, A
modern masterpiece of glass with a wooden base.
Recommended by Grandfather-Clock-Info
These are just a few of the many floor clock manufacturers you will find on this site. Places where you can price and shop for these brands as well as others include the following web sites.
Save money on a Tallcase Clock
If you like the look of a tallcase clock, but you don’t want to spend the money it takes to own one, don’t worry. There are
grandfather clock kits available which will help you design and build your own clock! By doing this, you will have a clock that is unique to you and
your family that can be passed down through the generations.
Hire Your Own Clock Maker
If you like the idea of a homemade floor clock, but you still don't want to make it yourself, you can
hire a German clock maker
to make the clock for you. This will allow you to have the uniqueness of a homemade floor clock, and save you a bit of money as well.
Join in the Clock Forum
If you have a grandfather clock with a story then why not share it with people that will understand and appreciate.
If you have a clock that you want do sell, then go to the
Clock Forum and participate.
No signup needed.
As you may have been able to tell, I love my grandfather clock and this site was designed to share my love and enthusiasm for them. If you have a question that
you can’t find an answer to within these pages, please send me a message by using the
contact button
on the left.

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- The Grandfather Clock Blog keeps you up-to-date with all additions and changes to the grandfather-clock-info Web site. Subscribe here.
- Grandfather Clock Forum for Clock Lovers
- Grandfather Clock Forum, where you can show,, ask, talk about longcase clocks
- Its time for clock news
- The Latest Clock News, Updated Daily For You
- Grandfather Clock History and what you need to know
- Grandfather clock history, where do antique grandfather clocks come from.
- Grandfather clocks through the centuries
- This is the history of Grandfather clocks through the centuries
- Antique Grandfather Clocks
- Antique grandfather clocks are a rare and treasured find. These timepieces were built in America for American families.
- American Antique Grandfather clocks
- These American Antique Grandfather clocks were built in America for American families.
- Grandfather Clock Learning Center
- Grandfather Clock Learning Center
- Grandfather Clock For Sale information and FORUM
- Grandfather Clock for Sale. That is what you are looking for. Put your grandfather clock up for sale in our forum.
- Grandfather clock Manufacturer, the makers of the antique and contemporary clock
- Review of Grandfather Clock Manufacturer
- Bulova Grandfather Clocks, antique and reproduction clocks
- Bulova grandfather clocks made in America
- Daneker Grandfather clock a Tall Clock for your home
- Daneker Grandfather clock class and quality clocks
- Edward Meyer grandfather clock are discount grandfather clocks
- Edward Meyer Grandfather clock the cheap way to buy a nice clock
- Hentschel grandfather clock
- Hentschel grandfather clock can’t be duplicated by other clocks.
- Hermle grandfather clock the best Classic clocks reviewed
- The motto of Hermle grandfather clock is "Time Never Stops"
- Herschede Grandfather Clock made with Tradition
- Herschede Grandfather Clock handmade in America
- Howard Miller Grandfather Clock, Why is it so Good?
- Howard Miller grandfather clock, with a cable-driven, triple-chime Kieninger movement with an automatic nightime chime shutoff
- Kassel Grandfather Clock an affordable choice in clocks
- Kassel Grandfather clock
- Kieninger Grandfather Clocks The best in movements and clocks.
- Kieninger grandfather clocks made in Germany
- Lepper Clocks are hand made in Germany
- Lepper Clocks are Handmade Grandfather Clocks from Germany
- Ridgeway Grandfather Clock, Richardson I Grandfather Curio Clock
- The Ridgeway Grandfather Clock Tradition. Tempus Fugit . Curio Grandfather Clock.
- Seiko Grandfather Clock
- Seiko grandfather clock is made by Seiko the oldest clock- and watch-maker in Japan
- Shaker Grandfather clock
- The Shaker Grandfather clock has three weights inside the case
- Sligh Grandfather clocks, antique grandfather clocks now for sale by Bulova
- Sligh Grandfather clocks have high reputation
- The Seth Thomas Clock desktop clock and mantle clock
- The Seth Thomas Clock has a great clock chime and beautiful clock dials
- Emperor Grandfather Clock, How to buy or build.
- Emperor Grandfather clock and clock kits made of of hardwood oak and cherry
- Curio Grandfather Clock, The Best Way To Display
- Curio Grandfather Clock, More than just a clock.
- Colonial Grandfather Clocks classic handcrafted clock from Zeeland Michigan
- The carving on these colonial grandfather clocks tends to be very intricate and detailed
- Pendulum Clocks and How they work.
- Pendulum clocks come as grandfather clock and as pendulum wall clocks.
- Grandmother clocks are smaller than grandfather clocks
- What are Grandmother clocks?
- mantel clocks,antique mantel clock, mantle clocks
- The Best antique mantel clocks are made by Bulova and Howard Miller.
- Grandfather Clock Weights
- Many of the most valued and sought after clocks are perpetuated by grandfather clock weights
- Grandfather Clock Chimes, that chime sound is the best thing in your clock
- Common grandfather clock chimes that are used today include the Whittington, Winchester and St. Michaels
- Antique Clock Faces the dials for your clock
- Do you know how long it can take for a clock artist to design antique clock faces?
- Grandfather Clock Movement The mechanical works that move the dials
- The grandfather clock movement is needed to work together in perfect harmony
- Antique Clock Parts. Finding suppliers to repair that old clock.
- The antique clock parts are handled by those well acquainted with the glory of grandfather clock.
- Antique clock hands, clock parts, clock dials
- Antique Clock Hands that tell the time
- Setting a grandfather clock to the right time
- Tips to setting a grandfather clock to the correct time
- Grandfather Clock Plans to build a great clock
- Grandfather clock plans can range from fully developed kit assemblies to working diagrams
- Grandfather clock kit the easy way to make a goodlooking clock
- Make your own with a Grandfather clock kit, its easy to do with a DIY clock kit.
- Build a grandfather clock with either a plan or a clock kit
- How To Build A Grandfather Clock Using Plans Or Kits
- Grandfather Clock Repair, having your antique clocks repaired
- Grandfather Clock Repair, how to repair and where to have those repairs done.
- My Grandfathers Clock Lyrics
- The lyrics to the my grandfathers clock song
- Payroll Time Clock. Who Invented the Time Recording Clock?
- What Payroll Time Clock is Best? Biometric, Electronic or Fingerprint.
- Useful links
- Here are some useful links you should check
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